HLPC members are being asked to participate in a survey (see below). Please submit your responses by Monday, December 5th so that we may include the results in our discussion at the December 9th HLPC Members Meeting.
Aloha HLPC Members,
Since incorporation in 1974, HLPC has been recognized as a credible, go-to source by both public and private sector policy makers as an organization that seeks to establish and maintain excellent working relationships with other organizations and government at County, State and Federal levels. Working together, HLPC provides front line advocacy, monitors and tracks, develops and submits testimony on issues of common impact to members and provides access to information and resources while collecting and disseminating information to help members make informed decisions respectively and collectively. Our organization provides a formidable alliance of members and affiliates committed to working together, with government and others to ensure sound planning decisions by offering a unified voice to bring issues/concerns of common impact to the forefront, and works strategically to identify and secure the most beneficial outcomes.
We have sought to increase the value and relevance of membership, and have collaborated on a wide and diverse range of issues including and not limited to, housing (affordable, workforce, and maintaining inventory at all levels); energy; environment and resources including and not limited to water and waste management; agriculture; education; and economics. Our efforts have included controversial issues including astronomy, technology, and genetically modified organisms. Due to the interest and member engagement in these efforts, and to provide ample time for discussion and speakers, our monthly meetings now start at 10:00 a.m. (previously started at 10:30 a.m.)
Recently the HLPC Executive Committee met for a strategic planning session and determined that to continue our mission in a sustainable manner, there is need for some systemic consideration and change.
Just as our members have respectively been affected by economic challenges, so too has our organization. To balance the budget and exclude increasing annual membership contributions (dues), for several years, HLPC has severely reduced operating expenditures and has depended on third party sources including and not limited to, funding from West Hawaii Housing Foundation to partially subsidize office rent, telephone and salary of our resource specialist Najha Ray; and personal contributions from and third party funding through our President Jacqui Hoover. These resources have been expended and/or are no longer available to us.
The last increase to our annual membership contribution was incurred ten years ago, in 2007 with a 3% increase. As part of our reduction of operating expenses, there has also been no salary increase since 2008 for Jacqui and 2009 for Najha while operating expenses such as insurance, rent, telephone, etc. have continued to increase.
To assist with determining how best to address these matters, HLPC members are being asked to participate in a survey (see below).
If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to advise via email and/or directly to the undersigned.
As a reminder, please respond to the survey below by Monday, December 5th to ensure inclusion of your comments for consideration. Unless expressly advised otherwise by respective member(s), all data will be held in strictest confidence and anonymity maintained.
Your continued support of HLPC is greatly appreciated.
/s/ Ken Kawahara, Chair 2015 – 16
/s/ Gregory Chun, Past Chair 2013 – 14
/s/ LeeAnn Crabbe, Past Chair 2011 – 12
/s/ Roger Harris, Past Chair 2009 – 10
/s/ Les Goya, Past Chair 2007 – 08
/s/ Ken Melrose, Past Chair 2005 – 06
/s/ David Honma, Nominee for Chair 2016 – 17
Member Survey: