To be an advocate for sound planning, effective government process, orderly community development and sustainable growth on Hawai’i Island.
Hawaii Leeward Planning Conference was established in 1974 with twenty members mostly representing large landowners, both ranches and several land trusts. The organization was formed to address land use practices and the implications of those land uses on the larger issues facing the island with the opening of Keahole International Airport in 1970 and the impending opening Queen Ka’ahumanu Highway in 1975. The members foresaw significant changes coming and felt the need to be pro-active in shaping the coming growth and investment.
Today, HLPC members are all grappling in one way or another with how those changes played out over the past 50 years. We are all aware of the critical housing shortage, which is hampering businesses and leading to the outmigration of those born and raised here, and a host of other challenges and opportunities that will impact the future of our island and its residents.